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Professional Development and Evaluation

Professional Learning

Professional learning is an essential part of Collierville Schools.  We believe continuous learning and improvement must take place for teachers to grow in their practices and enhance the learning of our students.  Our administrators and teachers engage in a variety of experiences to ensure that learning for educators leads to learning for students. 

The Standards for Professional Learning are the essential elements of professional learning that function in synergy to enable our educators to increase their effectiveness and student learning.

TEAM Evaluations

The Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM) is about principals and teachers working together to ensure the best possible instruction every day. Through frequent observation, constructive feedback, student data, and professional development, TEAM is designed to support all educators in doing their best work to help every student learn and grow. More information on TEAM evaluations can be found here.


TNCompass is our state reporting system. This platform integrates educator/administrator licensure information and evaluation data. Educator and administrator evaluations are documented in TNCompass; therefore, all educators/administrators are required to have a TNCompass account. Click here to register for a TNCompass account.

Vector Solutions

Vector Solutions our professional learning management system. Educators may access this platform to view and register for professional learning sessions that meet their needs. In addition, educators use Vector Solutions to submit requests for board approved absences and field trip requests.

Flex Time

As outlined on Collierville Schools’ 2023-2024 Instructional Calendar, November 20 – 22, 2023 are designated as required professional development days for all certified personnel. In lieu of working on those days, all non-12-month certified personnel must satisfy their professional development requirements by attending activities for which flex hours are granted.

Please access the Flex Time FAQ for details.


School Support Teams

To ensure that every student is nurtured and challenged by a highly effective teacher in every classroom, Collierville Schools is committed to developing teacher leaders to leverage their impact across the district.  Given the competitive marketplace for highly effective teachers and limited financial resources, Collierville Schools recognizes the need to strategically allocate those resources to develop, retain, and leverage the most talented teachers across the district.  Collierville Schools believe that it is not enough to simply retain the most effective teachers, they must be provided with a framework, time and resources to develop a similar capacity in their colleagues through peer-to-peer coaching, feedback, and model of best practices. Investing in teachers, which are our most valuable resource, has the greatest impact on student learning.  Teacher leaders are charged with delivering professional learning opportunities and providing educator support to help teachers grow in their practices and in turn positively impacting all students by building the capacity of all teachers to meet the needs of our diverse learners and students with more intense educational needs.

Additionally, Collierville School supports the growth and development of new teachers through intentional and structured support for all newly hired teachers to maximize effective teaching.  Our new teachers receive differentiated support during the year to help them be highly effective teachers.  Through the support of an Instructional Coach and instructional supervisors, new or struggling teachers receive the feedback, support and coaching to increase effectiveness.

TEAM Evaluations

The Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM) is about principals and teachers working together to ensure the best possible instruction every day. Through frequent observation, constructive feedback, student data, and professional development, TEAM is designed to support all educators in doing their best work to help every student learn and grow. 


TNCompass is our state reporting system. This platform integrates educator/administrator licensure information and evaluation data.  Educator and administrator evaluations are documented in TNCompass; therefore, all educators/administrators are required to have a TNCompass account.

Vector Solutions

Vector Solutions is our professional learning management system. Educators may access this platform to view and register for professional learning sessions that meet their needs.  In addition, educators use Vector Solutions to submit requests for board approved absences and field trip requests.

Flex Time

As outlined on Collierville Schools’ 2024-2025 Instructional Calendar, November 25-27, 2024 are designated as required professional development days for all certified personnel. In lieu of working on those days, all non-12-month certified personnel must satisfy their professional development requirements by attending activities for which flex hours are granted.