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Flyer Distribution Information

Procedure for Approving Flyers

Collierville Schools will follow these procedures when approving flyers to be distributed electronically or in schools. These procedures have been implemented to provide efficiency and to ensure school-appropriate information is being disseminated.

  • Flyers will be approved beginning the third week of school and continuing throughout the school year until two weeks prior to the last day of school.
  • Please submit the Collierville Schools Flyer/Material Distribution Request form via e-mail to Jen Hannah at The request must include a list of the schools where you would like to distribute the flyer as well as a copy of the material to be distributed.
  • Once a request is submitted, please allow three business days for a response.
  • Materials that are approved for distribution must include the following disclaimer: This event is not sponsored or endorsed by Collierville Schools. The disclaimer statement must be printed at the bottom of the flyer/material in BOLD, CAPITAL letters. The disclaimer should be in a font of 12 pt. or larger. Flyer/material will not be approved for distribution without the disclaimer. Events sponsored by Collierville Schools or the Town of Collierville are exempt from this disclaimer.
  • Approval letters grant permission only for the flyer that was submitted for approval. The letter may not be altered or used to distribute other flyers.
  • You will be notified by e-mail whether the flyer has been approved.

Collierville Schools will consider approving flyers for distribution from the following organizations:

  • Collierville Schools
  • Agencies/Departments within the Town of Collierville or other governmental bodies
  • Parent-Teacher Associations or Student Support Organizations
  • Non-profit community sports or youth activities
  • Organizations supporting the basic educational mission of the district

Collierville Schools will not consider approving flyers that:

  • Promote or advertise for-profit services, merchandise, and/or businesses
  • Are in conflict or competition with current district programs
  • Are involved with political campaigns
  • Promote any type of religious affiliation

The District retains all rights of censorship including language and pictorial representations. Flyers must be e-mailed for approval to Jen Hannah at

Collierville Schools Board Policy on Advertising and Distribution of Materials in the Schools

Collierville Schools will consider approving flyers for distribution from the following organizations:

  • Collierville Schools
  • Agencies/Departments within the Town of Collierville or other governmental bodies
  • Parent-Teacher Associations or Student Support Organizations
  • Non-profit community sports or youth activities
  • Organizations supporting the basic educational mission of the district

Collierville Schools will not consider approving flyers that:

  • Promote or advertise for-profit services, merchandise, and/or businesses
  • Are in conflict or competition with current district programs
  • Are involved with political campaigns
  • Promote any type of religious affiliation

The District retains all rights of censorship including language and pictorial representations. Flyers must be e-mailed for approval to Jen Hannah at

Collierville Schools Board Policy on Advertising and Distribution of Materials in the Schools

Flyer Distribution Request Form