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Technology Home


Philosophy & Goals

Collierville Schools acknowledges that to work, learn, and function successfully in a technological society, teachers and students must be empowered with the skills to use technology effectively. The District further understands that technology includes more than computers. Technology involves interactive devices, digital and video cameras, student response systems, handheld computers, cell phones, and other tools still in development.  

The District believes that ongoing and sustained staff development is imperative to equip teachers and administrators with the skills needed to challenge technology savvy students and to prepare them for success in a global economy.

Collierville Schools promotes technology to complement and enhance successful teaching methods.  Administrators and teachers must work to create a technology environment in which students solve problems, accomplish tasks, and improve academic achievement. In addition, Collierville Schools believes that technology is essential to effective communication. This includes student, parent and stakeholder communication in the form of digital media, grade book portal, email, websites and emergency information. These methods of communication promote community and staff awareness of the information necessary to become active participants in the District.

Our Technology Staff is ready to support our Schools and Central Office. Our goals are to enhance teaching and student learning, while making your work easier. Please use the links provided to access resources and communicate with our staff.