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Adopted Curriculum

The state textbook adoption process is administered in accordance with the statutory requirements as set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 6, Part 22.

Collierville Schools Adopted Curriculum

State of Tennessee Textbook Review, Approval, and Adoption Process

Scope and Sequence

School curriculum is based on the TN Department of Education State Curriculum Standards. The scope and sequence documents have been developed by Collierville Schools to guide teachers when developing instructional lessons and assessments to meet the rigor of the State of Tennessee Academic Standards.

Collierville Schools Scope and Sequence

The Prohibited Concepts Compliant Form and the Reconsideration of a Work Form must be completed and emailed to the Department of Curriculum and Accountability at

Prohibited Concepts Complaint Form

Reconsideration of a Work Form

Fine Arts

The course of instruction in all public schools for kindergarten through grade eight (K-8) shall include art and music education in pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-6-1025.

Collierville Schools Fine Arts instruction is Pre-K through 12th grade and includes a wide variety of course choices and extra-curricular opportunities. 

Family Life, Healthy Living

The Family Life, Healthy Living Curriculum is aimed at reaching life-long personal health and wellness skills such as building healthy interpersonal relationships, personal safety, goal-setting and decision-making and communicable disease prevention.

Family Life Curriculum Page

Early Postsecondary Opportunities

Tennessee students have an unprecedented opportunity for education and training beyond high school through the TN Promise. To ensure students are ready to take full advantage of the TN Promise and succeed in postsecondary, all students should have access to rigorous and relevant early postsecondary opportunities (EPSOs). Research has shown that students who participate in early postsecondary courses are more likely to enroll and persist in postsecondary.

Early postsecondary opportunities allow students to:

  • earn postsecondary credits while in high school.
  • become familiar with postsecondary expectations.
  • develop confidence and skills for success in postsecondary.
  • make informed postsecondary and career decisions.
  • decrease the time and cost of completing a certificate or degree.

Early Postsecondary Opportunities

District Approved AI Programs

  • Canva (for educators)
  • Copilot (for educators)
  • MagicSchool (for educators)
  • Nearpod (for educators)
  • ParentSquare (for educators)
  • Schoology (for educators)
  • Quizizz (for educators)
  • District adopted curriculum AI components (for educators)