Collierville Schools Recognizes Newly Tenured Educators

At the February Board of Education Business Meeting, Collierville Schools granted tenure to 35 educators who met the requirements. Those requirements include:
Has a degree from an approved four-year college or any career and technical teacher who has the equivalent amount of training established and licensed by the State Board of Education;
Holds a valid teacher license, issued by the State Board of Education, based on training covering the subjects or grades taught;
Has completed a probationary period of five (5) school years or not less than forty-five (45) months within the last seven-year period, the last two (2) years being employed in a regular teaching position rather than an interim teaching position;
Has received evaluations demonstrating an overall performance effectiveness level of "above expectations" or "significantly above expectations" as provided in the evaluation guidelines adopted by the State Board of Education, during the last two (2) years of the probationary period;
Congratulations to the following educators!
Bailey Station Elementary
Shannon Brady
Scarlett Marsh
Ashley Snow
Collierville Elementary
Alicia Jones
Anna Nichols
Kristin Victorson
Collierville High
Carissa Burgess
Brandi De La Cruz
Brian Parker
Joseph Rocconi
Karissa Steward
Cathy Thrasher
Joseph White
Collierville Middle
Joseph Brewer
Traci Freed
Maria Gitter
Jessica Hawes
Schilling Farms Elementary
Sarah McMillian
Sycamore Elementary
Jason Sharp
Jennifer Williams
Tara Oaks Elementary
Steven Jenkins
West Collierville Middle
Lawrence Ichniowski
Cody Ray